C.R. Nathaniel Johnson, B.A., Juris Doctor
Integrity. Honesty. Trust.
Delivering personalized legal services to clients in BC and Alberta.

Family Law
CRNJ LAW offers a variety of dispute resolution tools and processes. Nathaniel can help you determine the best approach to solving your legal issues and matching your needs, be it mediation, litigation, or collaborative methods. Nathaniel has experience in Provincial and Supreme Court (Court of Queen's Bench in Alberta), and can assist with the following family law issues:
Custody and Access
Property Division
Marriage and Separation Agreements.
CRNJ LAW makes every effort to pursue options that preserve and enhance relationships in the long term.

Every family law dispute is different. In the majority of situations, the parties themselves are best suited to decide what makes the most sense going forward. Nathaniel is a Certified Family Law Mediator, skilled at assisting parties achieve practical and cost effective solutions to their legal issues, ultimately leading to lasting agreements tailored to their particular circumstances.
The Family Law Act aims to reduce conflict by steering couples towards dispute resolution options such as mediation, before using the courts. Mediation can also be used for negotiating marriage agreements and co-habitation agreements in accordance with the new property provisions of the Family Law Act.

Wills & Estates
CRNJ Law will help you develop an estate plan, which may include preparing some of the following estate planning documents for you:
a Will
a Power of Attorney
a Representation Agreement (Personal Directive in Alberta)
a Nomination of Committee
a Living Will or an Advance Directive
Nathaniel will also provide assistance to executors in administering estates and applying to court for probate.

General Litigation
CRNJ Law offers a depth and range of litigation experience representing individuals and businesses in diverse types of civil disputes including employment and estate litigation.
CRNJ Law strives to protect the rights of its clients and achieve the most favourable results possible, and in the most timely and cost-effective manner possible.